FluffenCommunity : For The Greater Good with Paul Anderson

The FluffenCommunity returns with Paul's Tau, with a tron inspired scheme that stands out rather nicely against the more traditional colours of the Eight.

Enjoy the Gallery!

We begin with Commander Farsight and The Eight.

Then we have Troop Blanco. The Elite to follow behind the Eight

Fire warriors in support...La Coeur Squad and the Black Diamonds

From the non tau allies we have a small cadre of loyal 'companions'

As part of a new technology test, we have TauTrons. Led by the Cadre Fireblade (my converted Ethereal)

A full host of Stealth Suits ... Collectively called. j'ohn ce'na

The backbone of taus...TronBattleSuits.....

That's all my painted stuff...have a ghost keel and more tanks and loads of drones and fire warriors...but who has the time!


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