Fluffenhammer logo with character in armor holding hammer, compass rose background.
Adam Nicol Adam Nicol

Lurkers In The Lobby Ep 07 - Dreams In The Witch House

Back in 2013, Adam and Andy ran a short lived show working through cinematic adaptions of H.P. Lovecraft's work. We will be re-releasing these cleaned up versions on the between weeks between Fluffenhammer episodes, as a certain secret project is worked on behind the scenes.  

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Adam Nicol Adam Nicol

Lurkers In The Lobby Ep 06 - From Beyond (1986)

Back in 2013, Adam and Andy ran a short lived show working through cinematic adaptions of H.P. Lovecraft's work. We will be re-releasing these cleaned up versions on the between weeks between Fluffenhammer episodes, as a certain secret project is worked on behind the scenes.  

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Adam Nicol Adam Nicol

Lurkers In The Lobby - Ep 05 - REANIMATOR (1985)

Back in 2013, Adam and Andy ran a short lived show working through cinematic adaptions of H.P. Lovecraft's work. We will be re-releasing these cleaned up versions on the between weeks between Fluffenhammer episodes, as a certain secret project is worked on behind the scenes.  

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