We March For Macragge by JP Weir

Part 1: From the box they come

We’ve all got an army that we’ve not looked at in years, likely it’s in a box (or boxes) in a cupboard or the loft. Well, one of the ones I’ve got is an Ultramarines army from around the 5th Edition era of 40k. It has rarely been used since 2012, it had an outing last year as an opponent for someone testing an army list. It didn’t do very well and has been out of a box since. However, its time in the box is almost over.

Over Christmas the Imperium part works came out with Marneus Calgar. It’s a nice miniature and it got me thinking about the army in the box. Rather than let it sit there or look to sell i decided to actually update it and get it back into the table. So Calgar is currently on the painting table, whilst I work out what the best way to rebase the old marines is. They’re all on 28mm bases with small stones, which I’d like to recover and reuse on the 32mm bases. Trimming them could well be the way forward, but I’ve overdone the small stones and want to use textured paints alongside them.

Otherwise it’s a straight update by adding some Primaris Marines and finishing off the transfers. Once I’ve done all of that I’ll see what other things need updating. Though the plan is to go for 2k points, this has been challenged by the first points update of 2023. Which I’m all for as it saves a lot of time working out what to take and how it will affect the other stuff that needs to be in the army.


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