My First Army by Martin Richardson

Welcome dear Fluffer, to a semi-regular series where members of the community talk a little about the first forces they collected as they began this hobby of ours. We start with Martin and his tale of angels.

My perpetual on-off relationship with Warhammer started with (as most people do I think at the age of 10-11) 40k. I'd love to say that I started with something exciting like Tyranids of Aeldari (know as Eldar back in t' day) but my first army was Space Marines.

Whilst not the first models I owned (they were some mono pose skaven warriors my Nana got me for Xmas) I was instantly drawn to the Blood Angels. Once I'd picked up the marine codex and the blood angels supplement, all 24 pages of it, I got dragged in to the bright red armour and cryptic lore of these warriors suffering from "inner pain and anguish that drives the Blood Angels into battle with a righteous fury that few others could match

My first force, which took me through the old GW beginners program was a collection of models that loved the look of. Captain Tycho, a few tactical squads and assault marines. There were also a handful of death company just in case I rolled any of those lovely 4+ which used to turn a regular space marine into a blood thirsty lunatics.




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