My First Army by Scott Ferguson

Welcome dear Fluffer, to a semi-regular series where members of the community talk a little about the first forces they collected as they began this hobby of ours. We delve deep into Scott’s mind and hope for a bath afterwards

Welcome all to a place much maligned with chaos.

That is to say, my memories.

When asked to write about my first ever army, I honestly struggled to even recollect the vast amount of memories I’ve gained in this hobby.

I started out collecting what models I liked the look of the most at first. Some ork guys here, some chaos there. But these were not really MY first ones. But rather those were bought for me by my excellent parents, every year for a long time. Well into my mid 20s my nanna would buy me the latest box set that was released.

I have fond memories of battlefields laden with over turned margerine tubs, cut out cardboard buildings and lynx bodyspray towers.

Gretchin and Orks, Dark Eldar, Space Marines. All manner of things met an end on these tables, usually due to misunderstood rules.

Throughout my time in the hobby, I’ve always tried to be someone who organises clubs and games. From my inception at the local gaming club, to forging the Secondary School club, helping with other local clubs, and founding two in my area with help of friends.

But where is all began for me was the Beaky Marines. The famous RTB01 to be precise.

The local gaming club had four forces of these Astartes in Ultramarines, Imperial Fist, Blood Angels colours with the last being in a cool as all hell camo pattern. I loved the avian beaky design, the old style bikes and those landspeeders. The customisation of each model was a hobby unto itself, the painting was (along with the conversion skills ) very simple, which after years of practice I would see improvement after improvement.

But even at £10 for ten marines I still couldn't amass the forces for a army.

Until a visit to Blackpool Games Workshop, where I bought a Assault Lightning Claw Terminator.

With my own money.

I still to this day own it, This was my first model that was truly mine.

From there I fell in love with a certain symbol, a pair of angel wings with a sword running vertical. A certain shade of green. And later some lovely robes which amused me, as robes are just dressing gowns.

Dark angels became my first love of the hobby, not only was the fluff excellent, the style of these guys was eye catching and they had the most simple, yet cool as hell name.

Then came Bone, in the form of the Deathwing Terminators, and I would come to paint over the years scores of Terminators.

Of course, I cannot forget the Ravenwing, mostly as I like bikes, I ride bikes, and I’ve only crashed 3 of them.

But a monastic, chaos hunting bike gang clad in black just did it for me. I still play Dark Angels today.

Though, lets not forget the Fallen

My latest iteration are all samurai and eastern styled, but I've ran many different styles of the Dark Angels over the years. One of my favourite schemes was Guardians of the Covenant who were powered by my dry brushing silver on skills at the time and the lovely dark red robes. I garbed every model I could in robes. However, I think my favourite will always be a mix, a tri-wing approach for flexibility and loud noises.

A stable gun line of greenwing devastors and tactical squads with Chapter Master Azrael himself.

Deathwing Terminators deep striking and Ravenwing scouting into the enemies face and flanking them.

So there, a small jaunt, the first of many into the shenanigans of my mind.

Until we meet again may your dice roll you 6s.

Scott Ferguson




The H.A.T. - Troll Tapes Part 2