Sunday Musings - It Just Keeps Happening

The Sunday Musings is both a writing challenge and a trip through memories. Adam times himself to 90 minutes to write an article with a concept in mind. What follows is a stream of thought experience. Be warned, it may not make sense at first, but the more you look….the more it forms.


To long term listeners of the Fluffenhammer Podcast, there is a running joke that Games Workshop have some form of connection to my brain. This comes from a collection of armies and ideas I’ve had over the years, only to have such things appear, be announced or be dealt with. It presents a strange pattern*

Summer 1997 - Chaos Androids

About this time I came into ownership of two broken up copies of Space Crusade. In this collection came enough broken parts to make three Chaos Dreadnoughts and thirteen Chaos Androids. Deciding to use the rules for Chaos Space Marines in 2nd Ed 40k, I managed to then build that to 22 Chaos Androids and a Commander. This was completed around Christmas, with the following January appearing with a brand new Necron metal miniature and the full announcement of the Necron line.

1999 - Renegade Mechs

I still had the Chaos Dreadnoughts though, and I went back to an idea I’d had with the release of 2nd Ed’s Dark Millenium boxset. That boxset introduced a heap of vehicle cards, and I thought it would be a lot of fun to have an entire vehicle army, which soon became piloted Mechs supported by long-range snipers. As the millennium turned, the Tau appeared with such things in the armylist

2018 - Snufflers

I had some pig heads and Orruk boar riders feet and decided to squeeze them together to make some beasties to run around my Orruks. Not long after this… The Sneaky Snuffler Squigs popped out.

2019 - Beast Hunter Orruks

When building my Age of Sigmar Ironjawz, I hit upon the idea of a Beast Hunter clan that stampedes creatures through the forests before getting into battle. This meant that the majority of the force has some form of animal either on the base or on the model itself. This branched out into making new mounts and monsters for the force. Then the Kruleboyz arrived with the advent of AoS 3.0 which isn’t an exact mirroring, but close with the general concept.

2021 - Squats

I spent the majority of 2021 into 2022 building a 40k force of space dwarves, making a mobile force of Bug Hunters, chasing Tyranids across the galaxy. The force was donated not long after completion. Then, out of the darkness of the 41st millennium came the Votann, who had nothing similar in concepts** but of course were a new take on Space Dwarves.

I hope this has been a fun journey into my brain.

As always, I remain,


*It actually doesn’’t, I in no way think GW have bugged my brain nor do I think it’s anything other than random chance and coincidence. Disclaimer over.

**I would say the Votann’s concept is much much better than anything I came up with


FluffenCommunity : Chaos and Courage with Chris Stamper
