Bloody Books Review - PROFIT’S RUIN

At some point, CL Werner became the most reviewed author on the Fluffenhammer. I don't know how, why or where this happened, but it has, and in all honesty, I'm perfectly happy with that. 

Profit's Ruin, sequel to 2018's Overlords of the Iron Dragon,  continues that pacy, action packed adventure with many of the same punchy prose and wonderful characterisation.  Captain Brokrin Ullisson returns to Barak-Zilfin with empty holds and less in his purse, and in very real danger of loosing his ship and charter to the scrapyards of the Kharadron.  His only way out is to accept a mission of almost certain death, to find the mysterious Profit's Ruin. A strange floating landmass of vegetation and vines that snares sky-ships.  Brokrin must plunder Profit's Ruin if he has any chance of a future. 

Of course, Brokrin isn't going to have it easy, and alongside a Sorcerer out for revenge, rival Kharadron pirates and Realm of Chamon itself, he has his hands full settling in new crew, some of which seem to have slippery plans of their own.  

Werner is firing on all cylinders here, creating a adventurous rip roaring tale that moves between open skies and claustrophobic paranoia, delving further into the lives and codes of the Kharadron Overlords. It's quick, breezy and a lot of fun, with something to be said of picking back up with the characters after the events of Overlords of the Iron Dragon. It may be straightforward, but it's inventive, entertaining and very apparent that Werner is enjoying every moment, 


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