Continuing the releases of these reviews I've been sitting on for a while whilst time is against me getting any newer articles written, we come to The Bone Desert

Following from Realmslayer, this novella tracks our erstwhile Slayer and his none-too-pleased companion Maleneth through a collection of mishaps, violence, each other and a friendly assassination attempt. The pair are travelling towards the City of Eight Pillars, searching out rumors for Gotrek's original runeaxe with the usual singlemindedness one would expect from The Slayer. Maleneth however sapptemts to gently guide and trick Gotrek into heading towards anywhere that has ties to her Order as enemies gather is the shadows to stop either destination.

The Bone Desert is in no way reinventing the wheel here, it's familiar ground that has been well trodden before. Violence to those who stand in Gotrek's way with plenty of the usual grumblings and insults regarding Aelves, Men, trees (but not boats). It's entertaining as all hell watching our beloved bludgeoner move in a straight line through twisty, turning tracks. Gotrek is, as always, seen through the eyes of his companion who is yet to have any real trust placed in her, and who is very much her own person, and not "Nu-Felix". Her backstroy takes a bit more shape throughouy the tale, which is more than welcome.

MacNiven manages the job well, managing to bring Gotrek into the Mortal Realms as a whole and not just fighting and hating it. Gotrek's thoughts on he state of play of the setting begins to become explored, with some deviations into the loss of Felix and the threat of Thanquol. However, this is a tale about the journey the pair are on, not one about finding the Big Bad and beating it to death, and very much comes on the tail of Realmslayer. It's weird calling it comfortable, but it very much is. A step in the journey of Gotrek, and a welcome one at that.


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