The Legion of the Dammed are awesome.
But what happens when a mind filled with creativity and warp-inspired madness decides to take a shot at going full-bore into the Legion's flaming style and brimstone based bodies?
Well, you get Emil Alegroth and his Legio Damnatorum, and then you get something truly special. You may have seen the video but now we get a guided tour over where this project began, and maybe some hints of where it will go

These few minis were where it started, as i started my original army from the Know No Fear box. I decided to paint a custom chapter that would be a successor chapter of the Ultramarines. Little did I know that painting white was not a good idea! In particular for a novice user! I also lacked brush control so all the camo patterns were painted with toothpics. No highlights, just base coats and washes.

Wanted to compete at the local GW store painting competition in 2019 and decided to do a dreadnought. First time painting anything on freehand and doing real edge highlights and OSL. Spent most of the time on the base, making it look like the wall was being blown up by the plasma.

This model was made in association with the release of the sisters of battle and I planned to do a SOB army. I found an old image that there was a Ephrael Stern dreadnought and wanted to make a Retributor version of it. This was the result.

I did not win anything at the competition.


After the loss I learnt about the Legion of the Damned, and in particular the lore from the Chapters Due novel that legionnaires had been seen with chapter markings from the Ultramarines, implying that the legionnaires were other chapters before they died and became legionnaires. With this tidbit of info, later supported by the Masters of Mankind book and some other books, I thought to myself that if marines can return, then why can't other things? Like a Primarch.

So I bought the Guilliman model and decided to transform him into my favorite primarch Sanguinius! I reposed the model, legs, feet, etc. I had gotten a bit of experience with greenstuff from making the banners for the dreadnought, but I had never made any fire or done any larger mods to a model. I also did larger modifications to the armor to make it fit the more common images of Sanguinius armor. The largest custom work was however the wings.

Then I made the base, I wanted it to look like he flew out from the warp through a portal. I cut out the base and lowered it, filled it with skulls, painted stars and then covered it with resin.

This became the first model for Legio Damnatorum!
​No NMM, some highlights but playing around a bit with layering on the sword.
