Legio Damnatorum - The Flame Takes Shape

We return to the lurking legendary legionaries that burst forth from the mind and hands of Emil Alegroth. For this missive from the mortuary of the fields of 40k, Emil takes us deep into the design process that sculpted the skeletal warriors of the damned


After I was done with Sanguinius I wanted to enter it into armies on parade in the autumn of 2019. However, I then learnt that I had to make an army and one mini would not be enough! So... I asked what the minimum number of models in an "army" were and learned I had to have a squad. So I bought a kit of Intercessors and got to work with not a lot of time and a lot of work to do :)

Here I started playing more with greenstuff and conversions. I tried to make each model unique and also bought some upgrade sprues to add some swords and such. Since the models were made for armies on parade I also did a quick board where the idea would be that the squad of marines appeared to save the blood angel lying on the stone (He was later moved to the AOP 2020 board).

The idea with the legionnaires were to show their original heraldry but heavily blackened so that the models looked like the original LOTD colorscheme but with faint tints of the original chapters underneath. This scheme was later changed as you know, but at this point in time I didn't want to stray too far from the lore.

I didn't win anything at AOP 2019. Second contest I entered, second I lost at... The third contest I would enter would be the international AOP 2020 thinking that I would have a snowball chance in hell of winning anything!!! More about that later ;)


To Be Continued 


Legio Damnation - The Steel Of The Damned


Fluffenhammer Adjacent: Slaanesh Is a Chaos God I Can Get Behind