Retro Painting: Space Marine Chapters of the 2nd Tyrannic War

Two and a half centuries after Hive Fleet Behemoth was halted at Macragge, the Tyranids returned with a new hive fleet, Hive Fleet Kraken! Foremost amongst the billion strong defenders that faced this cosmic horror, were the Space Marines. But what chapters took part in this cataclysmic struggle, and what became of them? In this video, I go old school and paint three Space Marines from Chapters pitted against this terrifying threat FROM BEYOND!

Here's another slice of Oldhammer for you: the second mission from 'The Battle for Armageddon' campaign booklet straight out of the 1993 starter set! A combat squad of Blood Angel devastators have taken up the high ground overlooking the road leading to the vital bridge over the Skeletus River. After two Ork battlewagons were totalled by the Bood Angels' missile launcher, the surviving Goffs head out on foot, intent on neutralising the weapon before "da big push" begins!

It's time for the third and final mission from the Battle for Armageddon scenario set found in the 2nd Edition boxed game. This classic scenario enabled players to use all the miniatures in the box - all four squads of Blood Angel Space Marines, forty grots, twenty Goffs and the legendary Ork dreadnought (don't worry, it's not a card one!). We also decided to throw Captain Tycho and an Ork Warboss into the mix, just to keep things interesting!




Age of Sigmar Short Story - Deadly Venture