Nerds x D&D Adventures

In one of the most fun crossovers We’ve come across in quite a while, we here at Fluffenhammer Towers recently became aware of the ever-wonderful fact that Wizards of the Coast and Nestle decided to summon NERDS into the D&D universe. This is a strangely on-point choice to make, with both candy and games releasing in 1970, and both having their 50th anniversary not that long back. Join us now as we look at the combined forces that brought Dungeons & Dragons players and NERDS lovers together on a campaign using D&D 5th edition rules in limited edition Dungeons & Dragons edition candy in boxes and packs that ran from September to Dec 31, 2021.

The seven adventures are written by game designer Kat Kruger. The story begins in the city of Harmony, which has been experiencing a strange case of “color outages.” What could be causing this strange phenomenon? And will the party be able to solve the mystery in time? These one-on-one adventures are ideal for a grown-up and child to play through their first D&D story together. All puns aside, it really is a sweet idea that we can’t wait to check out ourselves.

I know you are a NERD with a particular set of skills. Please meet me in the central marketplace this morning. I will be wearing a suit and horn-rimmed spectacles.
—Mr. Honeycutt


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