Notagorka, Notamorka, all Modulorka!

It’s not often I get excited enough by a new game to write about it on the site*, but this is a release that has both hit the Joy Button and started the Nostalgia Engine, and on top of that, it’s free to play!

Modulorka is the brainchild of one Mr Modulorka, well known for his designs and creations for 40k Ork reinforcements and proxies, has taken it upon himself to create a 26 page skirmish ruleset that may seem simple, holds an incredible amount of depth for customisation and creation, and once you’ve made a green-skinned gang, taken out into the world to battle in a multitude of manners.

Everything to get started to play is free, from the Core Roolz to the cards, terrain tokens and MEASURING STICKS are free to download from the links below, with a kickstarter running now for more STL files and expansions for the game to be created.

On top of all of this, you can also just grab a starter pack from Google Driver here.

But what of the game, I hear you possibly say? It’s exactly what you may have hoped, as you take a gang of Orks in a small skirmish area. You pick from one of “Da Factionz”, Da Horde, Huntaz, Rokkaz, Gearheadz, Speedkult or Pyratez. Each of these factions has own crew that you can either print and build from the modular STL files or just use existing kits from other companies to get your howling kommandoz out onto the wartable. The game dosn’’t just stop and start with a ruck though, there are decks of battlefield modifiers, missions and events that change and modify every engagement, making sure there are all sorts of ways to not play the same game twice. There are quickstart rules in at a page long, and the main book is only 26, with the combat rules coming in at around 5. Its very simple to learn and tons of fun to play. if that wasn’t enough for you, additional rules for solo play, vehicles and all sorts of other dakka goodness are also included, and it feels very much like an evolution of Gorkamorka for a modern age. I love it.


Main Site


Google Drive


*I still need to write about Frostgrave….way after the fact


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