Space Raiders 40k

Today I want to talk about something a little different to the usual levels of grimdark and nostalgia heavy heresy.  By which I mean, I want to talk about Crisps. 

Space Raiders were launched in 1987 at 10p, which is something of a shock in today's prices. Whilst the snack itself is something of a well known corn and wheat snack in the shape of an alien head, it's the comic strip and art that we are turning the spotlight.  These mini-comics were on the back on the packets and for the most part of it's lifetime were about the adventures of "Astra and the Space Pirates".

What is a really fun fact is that the illustrator behind the first packets and comics was one Brett Ewins, of 2000AD fame.  He worked on everything 2000AD from Rogue Trooper to Judge Anderson, and game to Games Workshop to provide art for the Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game from GW in 1986, and then the Block War game the following year.  He also provided work for the Golden Heroes game published by GW under licence from Marvel Comics.  Ewins went on to illustrate the Kaleb Daark comic for GW as well, that ran in White Dwarf. 


Ages of Chaos: Codex Chaos Daemons, The Book of Khorne


My First Army by Matt Santullano