Sunday Musings: Cameohammer

The Sunday Musings are a place for Adam’s brain to empty like a watering can full of tangents over a garden of warhammer-related topics. This week, he’s been considering Warhammer being referenced in TV and Film

It started very simply, with Enemy of the State (1998) and this throwaway scene with a White Dwarf turning up advertising a Game Day. Now, its fairly public knowledge that Warhammer has had it’s fans in Hollywood, the above Will Smith, very famously Robin Williams and Henry Cavil, with more than you may expect finding joy in the lead, resin and plastic of this hobby. It got me thinking, what else was there out there that referenced Warhammer. The first thing that came to mind was the Not-A-Rhino from The Disturbed’s Land of Confusion video

that appears to be based on this incredibly old Sabre Tank Hunter conversion from White Dwarf 120 (1989)

I remember way back in 1992 becoming highly excited about a Highlander the Series episode having a GW store (203 Carrall St in Vancouver apparently), and it took a bit of time but I narrowed it down to episode 1.2 “Family Tree”

I hate to mention it due to how Ready Player One was nothing but references in place of.. well, a story, but there’s something much like an Eldar in this scene

I’ve heard there is also a Dreadnought somewhere in that film as well, but I’ll not suffer that experience a second time, not even you Fluffers I’m afraid. Speaking of things I cannot bring myself to watch again, I do remember Red Dwarf “Back to Earth” also making a throwaway reference, and following scene took place in the netflix series “Sex Education”

Finally, I would like to take you back in time to 2010 and the BBC series “Mongrels”

With that, I’ll draw this to a close. Is there any references in pop culture to Warhammer that you’ve seen?

As always, I remain



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