Some of the more inquisitive of you may have seen the hashtag #Turnip28 floating around the ol' cybersphere interwebs and been somewhat baffled by the sheer level of insanity that looking into this movement may have brought before your eyes. Looking into this particular rabbit (potato?) hole conjures up the dark and grimy mindsets of Blanchitsu, of Inq28 and other such grimdark movements within the miniatures communities. Whilst the above mentioned took some time to gain traction, #Turnip28 appears to have swept in on wings of flaming lettuce and gained a large following in a short time.

Lettuce dig down into it and see what pearfect meloncholy we find.

I'm not sorry.

The simple answer to the question of "what is it?" is fairly simple,

Its all about turnips.

A longer answer would be that it's a post root-vegetable apocalyptic wargame/ tabletop setting where technology has regressed into Napoleonic levels, a mud-soaked battlefield that has plenty of lances but little in the way of horses.

Rust, ruin and roots are the name of the game here, and its allowed for some truly disturbing work from the more creatively concerned in the community

The setting is being developed by artist Max FitzGerald, with parts and art being put out via his Patreon site (which you can find here), its a strange mix of World War One no-mans land and 1800's soldiery where you may see a crusading knight covered in mud and blood taking a hammer to a walking camel-mech being rode by a figure so degraded by rusted metal that a species is difficult to assume.

More so than the Dark Age Of Sigmar, there is a certain "new frontier of the wild west" taking place here, as people push into the scores of armoured knight(mares) and turnip-holding peasantry. To draw the level of creativity into view (I cannot what for someone to make something for the term "Rootwhale" that I keep seeing), the community completely built up the idea of "Rootishdu", where samurai live on an isolationist walking island on the back of a turtle-toad creature that walks over the European setting of Cyst (which apparently is based on one part of Belgium).

That's just cool.


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