It Came From Woolworths - Kerrunch!


The Elder among us may remember a certain, strange time in the hobby. A time when the stars aligned in the correct formation (a celestial sign known as The Beard), and eldritch items of maligned power found themselves in places where such things had never existed before, or since, or had any right to be. This ancient place was named Woolworths, and the items were Board Games.

This is the tale of Kerrunch!


Kerrunch was produced in the early 1990s by Games Workshop after the success of their partnership with MB Games, as part of a series of introductory-level miniatures games to reel in young players from places usually removed from usual beaten track of GW stores, and the local gaming shops. These included Mighty Warriors , Ultra Marines and Space Fleet, as well as for a short time, the almost now-forgotten classic Dungeonbowl


Much like Mighty Warriors, Kerrunch! is a stripped down and simplified take on Blood Bowl, ​Instead of the special dice found in both the Blood and Dungeon version of Bowl, each race is allowed to roll a different number of dice, which are dropped into the game's box top which has a similar version of the matrix from Mighty Warriors printed on it. Compare your highest hit roll with a tackle table based on race and see how you did. Once again, the cardboard is on the flimsier side compared to Blood Bowl and the other releases of the era, but the multi-part board is surprisingly nice.


The two teams to pick from are the Orc and Dark Elf coalition of the Darkside Cowboys, or the noble alliance of the Bright Crusaders. The lack of Skaven is almost unforgivable, but is a countermanded by some truly wonder 80's era GW artwork.


Kerrunch is as simple as it gets really, the minis are as top-notch as the time and tech allowed, and the art is a constant wonderful reminder of what GW was in the early 90s.

More importantly., did you play any of the games we are showcasing here? What memories do you have of them?


It Came From Woolworths - Mighty Warriors
