My First Army by Dawfydd “Big Swingin’ D” Kelly

Welcome dear Fluffer, to a semi-regular series where members of the community talk a little about the first forces they collected as they began this hobby of ours. We follow on with some talk about Terminators with big Swingin’ D

Bit of background to start: I got into wargaming by way of Heroquest & Space Crusade in the early 90s, and discovered the broader world of 40k & Warhammer after a classmate at school showed me an issue of White Dwarf with extra rules for both systems.

What followed was a trip to the local Games Workshop store, picking up the OG metal Terminator Squad box along with blisters of Lightning Claw, Thunder Hammer & Cyclone Missile Launcher equipped Termies (£2.50 for 2 minis - happy days)


Trollwizard Productions


My First Army by Uncle Nergling