My First Army by Shaun “Coreldorn” Duffy

Welcome dear Fluffer, to a semi-regular series where members of the community talk a little about the first forces they collected as they began this hobby of ours.

It all started around the age of 9 or 10 with airfix models, then wanting to build armies of these. My mother's boyfriend of the time took me for a look at my first Games Workshop in the metro centre, the look of armies and models just had me amazed, and a few months later pocket money in hand I ended up in GW Carlisle and my first purchase was Orlock Juves in plastic. The first game I really delved into was Fantasy, and the orc and goblin range, partially for the amusement partially because an 10 year olds finances are limited and goblins were cheap 🤣.

After a little while the 3rd edition of 40k was the next big release, a complete re-write and a way to get into a new game from the "beginning" so to speak, for Christmas I was given the stater box and the rulebook. So I had some marines and some Dark Eldar and I could get going. Those marines hung around a long time, about a million re-paintings as I just couldn't decide what chapter I wanted to do.

Fast forward roughly 25 years (god time flies) and I've played every army in 40k (except Votaan because who really likes dwarves? 😉) and every non dwarven faction in fantasy. I've played every 'specialist' game and despite selling up and trying to leave things behind I've still got too many armies... If there is such a thing...


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