Legio Damnatorium - The Board Fills

But before I started the board I had to do the Judiciar from the Indomitus box! I had been thinking about it for weeks (if not longer) and just had to try to put my plan into reality. In particular I wanted to dress him! Every model I had seen at this point of the model had the robes hanging on the right side (which is more or less his signature thing), but I thought it looked sloppy so I dressed mine.

I had bought some new sculpting tools (soft tipped) so I felt like I could do more sculpting work so I decided to also do a custom weapon! Once more to make the model unique, and since he already looked like death I gave him a massive scythe!

In the end I was very happy with the result and now it was time to do the board!

I stared with setting the hights and setting out all the models. I then added holes in which the models fit using normal PVC piping in the right diameters. Next I added decorations and rocks and such. Then it was just painting!

Of course all the decorations are painted with NMM and because of the Legio Damnatorums lore of being sent by the emperor I wanted to make it look like he was looking down on them or appearing on the board somehow. Therefore I did the backdrop where I painted the face of the emperor. This was an interesting project because I had never done such a big freehand before. It presented some new interesting challenges in terms of details that I could add but in the end I was really happy with the result.

The board was done and submitted too AOP and on the 18th of Decemeber 2020 I sat in front of the computer with zero expectations after seeing many of the entries posted on Instagram already. Halfway through the show my board appears and my jaw just dropped! Took me a few minutes to even process what was going on! So amazing that they picked my entry out of almost 1000 entries. Finally I won something! Haha. I couldn't have done it without all the positive feedback from the community though! Including you guys and your comments on my models over at the Fluffenhammer's FB page :) Thank you!

To Be Continued 


Legio Damnatorium - Judgement Beckons


Legio Damnatorium - The Shine Of The Shadows