Adam Nicol Adam Nicol


White Dwarf 170 fills the Eavy Metal bucket to the brim with Space Wolves, Skaven and Black Orcs.

Its intresting (to me at least) that White Dwarf consistantly has no more or less than eight pages of Eavy Metal per issue during this era.

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Adam Nicol Adam Nicol

The Tale Of Immortal Mayor Jackson

The following is nothing but a ridiculous look at the 1993 PC game Sim City. Take with the joy it is presented. Everything in these serious series of articles happened...after a fact.

In 1994. In Sim City 2000.  Whilst listening to the Mortal Kombat soundtrack on constant repeat.

 The articles come from the Old Oilhouse site that Adam ran for eight years, and are brought here due to being mentioned in a recent Deeper Dives ep

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